Technical Analysis - Free Course Lesson
Gain exclusive access to actual course lessons from Technical Analysis, Led by JC Parets. View real-world chart strategies that will not only help you make smarter trade decisions, but will also show you why people all over the globe trust Investopedia Academy for their financial education.
Section 5, Lesson 1

Technical analysis is a trading tool used to evaluate securities and identify trading opportunities by analyzing stats from trading activity (continuation patterns, symmetrical triangle, decending triangle, reversal patterns, falling wedges, etc). Technical analysis focuses on the price movement of the market.

Section 5, Lesson 2

The way in which the price charts of the stock market fluctuate can appear to be entirely random. However, within those random sequences, are continuation patterns. These patterns can be in the shape of triangles or other geometric shapes. The consolidations provide further evidence as to where the price action is and where it's likely to go – ultimatley helping the trader.

What will I learn?

  • Identify technical patterns, trends, signals and indicators which drive the behavior of price

  • Make educated projections to set optimal price targets

  • Get out of bad trades quickly and stay in good ones longer

This course includes:

  • Case studies showing you exactly how technical analysis can fuel pattern recognition, set price targets and plan your exit strategy

  • Over 75 lessons of on demand video, exercises and interactive content

  • 30 day free trial of All Star Charts with JC Parets

This course is for: anyone (investors, students, retirees, traders) who wants to transform technical data and pricing trends into actionable trading plans.